> On Sep 9, 2019, at 5:55 PM, akater <nuclearsp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Consider a lisp form that, when evaluated, produces another form. I'm
> used to org printing the resulting form nicely, in lisp blocks. However,
> this is not the case for emacs-lisp src blocks. An example:
> 1. The way it should be (and is now the case) with lisp, namely sbcl:
> #+begin_src lisp :results value verbatim :wrap example lisp
> (macroexpand '(defun test (a b &optional c) "doc" nil))
> #+end_src
> #+begin_example lisp
>                  (SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA TEST
>                      (A B &OPTIONAL C)
>                    "doc"
>                    (BLOCK TEST NIL))))
> T
> #+end_example
> 2. The way it is now with emacs-lisp and a src block header that is
> otherwise identical:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value verbatim :wrap example emacs-lisp
> (macroexpand
>  '(use-package outline
>    :ensure nil
>    :bind
>    (:map outline-mode-map
>         ("<kp-home>" . (lambda nil (interactive) (outline-up-heading 1))))))
> #+end_src

Using emacs 26.1 and org 9.2.5, I get 

#+begin_example emacs-lisp
(use-package outline :ensure nil :bind (:map outline-mode-map ("<kp-home>" 
lambda nil (interactive) (outline-up-heading 1))))

I am unclear what the effect of `:wrap example emacs-lisp' is here.  AFAICS, 
the `emacs-lisp' has no effect.  Can you point to a place in the code where 
this has effect?

Using `:results value code :wrap src emacs-lisp' as the header args, I get this:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package outline :ensure nil :bind
             (:map outline-mode-map
                   ("<kp-home>" lambda nil
                    (outline-up-heading 1))))



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