Hi, after upgrading from Org 9.1 to 9.2, org-drill has become extremely slow. org-drill has never been fast, but now it stops being usable. Everything takes much more time than before -- running `M-x org-drill', both for the first time and again, responding to drill queries, moving over my Org file.
My org-drill Org file has over 4,000 entries and almost 50,000 lines. With Org 9.1, it used to be usable after running `M-x org-drill' for the first time in the given Emacs session; after the initial Org processing, I could move over the entries relatively smoothly. But this no longer helps and org-drill itself is much slower too. Is Org 9.2 no longer capable to handle (relatively) large files with a lot of Org properties? Are there any tricks to speed it up? Thanks for any advice, Milan