> What about:

   > #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var t1=nut :var t2=nut2 :colnames yes
   > (append t1 t2)
   > #+end_src

   > #+RESULTS:
   > | type     | Fiber | Sugar | Protein | Carb |
   > |----------+-------+-------+---------+------|
   > | eggplant |   2.5 |   3.2 |     0.8 |  8.6 |
   > | tomatoe  |   0.6 |   2.1 |     0.8 |  3.4 |
   > | onion    |   1.3 |   4.4 |     1.3 |  9.0 |
   > | egg      |     0 |  18.3 |    31.9 | 18.3 |
   > | rice     |   0.2 |     0 |     1.5 | 16.0 |
   > | bread    |   0.7 |   0.7 |     3.3 | 16.0 |
   > | orange   |   3.1 |  11.9 |     1.3 | 17.6 |
   > | banana   |   2.1 |   9.9 |     0.9 | 18.5 |
   > | tofu     |   0.7 |   0.5 |     6.6 |  1.4 |
   > | nut      |   2.6 |   1.3 |     4.9 |  7.2 |
   > | corn     |   4.7 |   1.8 |     2.8 | 21.3 |

   > Of course, this works because both tables have headers, which can be
   > handled by the ":colnames yes" header-argument. If both are headerless,
   > "colnames: no" would do the trick.

Thanks very much, this was precisely what I was looking for. The R based
solution works fine but I prefer one which is based on elisp.


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