
I would like to have something like this 

|   | Patient | Nummer     | Date         | Quantity | Status |
| 1 | Smith   | A180106540 | <2018-08-23 Thu> | 67.88 €  | TODO   |


|   | Patient | Leistungsart   | Nummer     | Date         | Quantity | Status |
| 1 | Smith   | Labor Rechnung | A180106540 | <2018-08-23 Thu> | 67.88 €  | [ ] 

Any idea how to do that?

It seems that 

 offers one possibility, but is not really what I am looking for,
 because I would like to use a different header for each table which can
 have many rows, I don't want the header to be part of the table.


Uwe Brauer 

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