The ':scheduled*' value for org-agenda-entry-types uses org-scheduled-time-hour-regexp to match related entries. The current regexp doesn't match entries with split repeats like those used by habits- for example:       'SCHEDULED: <2019-06-25 Tue 20:30 .+1d/2d>'. Because those entries show up in the agenda with a timestamp I believe they should be caught by the regexp.

     (defconst org-scheduled-time-hour-regexp
          (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string
                  " *<\\([^>]+[0-9]\\{1,2\\}:[0-9]\\{2\\}[0-9+:hdwmy \t.-]*\\)>")           "Matches the SCHEDULED keyword together with a time-and-hour stamp.")

   (defconst org-scheduled-time-hour-regexp
          (concat "\\<" org-scheduled-string
                  " *<\\([^>]+[0-9]\\{1,2\\}:[0-9]\\{2\\}[0-9+:hdwmy \t./-]*\\)>")           "Matches the SCHEDULED keyword together with a time-and-hour stamp.")


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