
I'm using orgmode to make user documentation.

A lot of my Literal Examples are too big to fit
on the A4 paper to print them out.

In order to fit them on the A4, I'm changing HTML font size
every time.

To be more vivid - I've attached an example to export in HTML
(example.org) and "fat" literal example (seq_diag.txt)
that will be resized.

First diagram will fit on A4 paper, while second one will not,
as it is too big.

I think may be it's a good idea to add the switch for changing
font size, where size can be expressed in percentage or/and
paper size.

It can look something like:

Thanks in advance,
#+TITLE:   Pretty print.
#+STARTUP: hidestars
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil

* Shrinked Sequential diagram.

<style type="text/css">
 example1 { font-size: 60%; }

#+INCLUDE "seq_diag.txt"


* Normal Sequential diagram.
#+INCLUDE "seq_diag.txt"
                                        QDP Sequence diagram.

User application                                    |<--------------------- RTI 
+------+                                            +------+                
+------+   +------+   +-------+
|      |                                            |      |                |   
   |   |      |   |       |
|  BC  |                                            |  PP  |                |  
FP  |   |  TB  |   |  AMT  |
|      |                                            |      |                |   
   |   |      |   |       |
+---+--+                                            +---+--+                
+---+--+   +---+--+   +---+---+
    |                                                   |                       
|          |          |
    |                                                   |                       
|          |         +-+
    |    send_quick_data(RS_ECHO | RS_CONF | RS_REF )  +-+                      
|          |         | |
    +------------------------------------------------->| |                      
|          |         | +------------+
    |                                                  | |                      
|          |         | |            |
    |           user can check Transmit Buffer         | |                      
|          |         | |            |
    |<-------------------------------------------------+ |                      
|          |         | |            |
    |                                                  | |                      
|          |         | |  fill in   |
    |           get_quick_data                         | |                      
|          |         | |            |
         | | aquisition |
   | |                                                 | |                      
|          |         | |            |
   | |                                                 | |                      
|       acq_msg      | |  message   |
   | |                                           if (RS_ECHO | RS_CONF)         
|<-------------------+ |<-----------+
   | |                                                 | |         ctrl_msg     
|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | 
+--------------------->|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | |         conf_msg     
|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | |                      
|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | |                      
|          |         | |
   | |                                           else (RS_REF)                  
|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | +----------------+     
|          |         | |
   | |                                                 | |   change RTI   |     
|          |         | |
   +-+                                                 | |  configuration |     
|   fill   |         | |
    |                                                  | |<---------------+     
+--------->|         | |
    |                                                  | |                      
|  buffer  |         | |
    |                                          POWC data is ready               
|          |         | |
         | |
    |                                                  | |                      
|          |         | |
    |                                                  +-+                      
|          |         | |
    |                                                   |                       
|          |         | |
    |                                                   |                       
|          |         | |
    |                                                   |                       
|          |         | |
    |                                                   |                       
|          |         +-+

    BC  - Bus Controller. Application level.
    PP  - Process Packet.
    FP  - Feed Packet.
    TB  - Transmit Buffer.
    AMT - Acqusition Message Task thread.
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