recent versions of maint and probably master have nil instead of current time in org-today.
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil) time-subtract(nil (0 0 0)) org-today() (message "org today is %s" (org-today)) (time-subtract nil (list 0 (* 3600 org-extend-today-until) 0)). i am running 24. org-news says "From now on, Org expects at least Emacs 24.3, although Emacs 24.4 or above is suggested.". the newer notes don't mentioning dropping emacs 24. there is also no crash that says "your emacs is too old, luddite!". thanks. -- The Kafka Pandemic: <> The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. And ANYBODY can get it at any time. "You’ve really gotta quit this and get moving, because this is murder by neglect." --- <>.