Hello,I would like to be able to export Org files containing TikZ pictures to HTML files with SVG pictures corresponding to TikZ pictures inlined directly in the HTML files. My use case is to produce quizz questions with graph drawings for the Moodle LMS (https://moodle.org/) used at our university. It is really painful to upload picture files to Moodle and link them to text and Moodle accepts plain HTML5 for text description, so itseems to be a rather food solution.
Here is an example of how I do it. The by-backend is defined as follows:
;; to export to both latex and html (defmacro by-backend (&rest body) `(cl-case org-export-current-backend ,@body))#+header: :file (by-backend (latex "sigma3.tikz") (t "sigma3.png")) #+header: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 800
#+header: :results raw graphics #+header: :fit yes #+header: :packages '(("" "tikz")) #+begin_src latex \usetikzlibrary{matrix,arrows} \begin{tikzpicture} \matrix (m) [matrix of nodes, row sep=1em, column sep=4em] { iterate & map & reduce \\ & & $acci$ \\$a_{0} = a$ & $f(a_{0})$ & \\ & & $acc_{0} = fc\; (f\; a_{0})\; acci$ \\ $a_1 = a_0+i$ & $f(a_{1})$ &\\ & & $acc_{1} = fc\; (f\; a_{1})\; acc_{0}$ \\
$\ldots$ & $\ldots$ &\\ & & ~ \\$a_{n-1} = a_{n-2} + i$ & $f(a_{n-1})$ &\\ & & $acc_{n-1} = fc\; (f \; a_{n-1})\; acc_{n-2}$ \\
$a_n = a_{n-1} + i$ & $f(a_{n})$ &\\$a_{n+1} = a_n + i > b$& & $res = fc\; (f\; a_{n})\; acc_{n-1}$ \\
};\draw (m-3-1) edge[->,thick] node[auto]{\scriptsize $f$} (m-3-2); \draw (m-5-1) edge[->,thick] node[auto]{\scriptsize $f$} (m-5-2); \draw (m-9-1) edge[->,thick] node[auto]{\scriptsize $f$} (m-9-2); \draw (m-11-1) edge[->,thick] node[auto]{\scriptsize $f$} (m-11-2);
\draw (m-6-3) edge[dotted] (m-8-3); \draw[in=90,out=0] (m-3-2) edge[thick] (m-4-3.north);\draw (m-2-3) edge[->,thick] node[right]{\scriptsize $fc$} (m-4-3);
\draw[in=90,out=0] (m-5-2) edge[thick] (m-6-3.north);\draw (m-4-3) edge[->,thick] node[right]{\scriptsize $fc$} (m-6-3);
\draw[in=90,out=0] (m-9-2) edge[thick] (m-10-3.north);\draw (m-8-3) edge[->,thick] node[right]{\scriptsize $fc$} (m-10-3);
\draw[in=90,out=0] (m-11-2) edge[thick] (m-12-3.north);\draw (m-10-3) edge[->,thick] node[right]{\scriptsize $fc$} (m-12-3);
\end{tikzpicture} #+end_src Best, Alan
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