I mostly cite here from https://emacs.stackexchange.com/q/41208/2370:

The following example causes an infinite recursion in 

,#+BEGIN_SRC org
,#+NAME: add3
,#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :var num=0
(+ 3 num)

,* Use function drawer header arg
:header-args: :var n=add3(5)

,#+NAME: whatIsN
echo $n

,#+RESULTS: whatIsN
: 8

,#+BEGIN_SRC sh :var a=whatIsN
echo $a

The problem is located in org-babel-get-src-block-info.

The function org-babel-params-from-properties is used there. Its doc-string is:

Retrieve parameters specified as properties. Return a list of association lists 
of source block params specified in the properties of the current outline entry.

But they do not say what the current outline entry is. In 
org-babel-get-src-block-info they assumed that the current outline entry would 
be that one at point but org-babel-params-from-properties uses also 
org-babel-current-src-block-location to retrieve parameters from there.

Even if (point) is 1 for the first source block add3 the variable 
org-babel-current-src-block-location in org-babel-params-from-properties points 
to the source block whatIsN.

So not the header-args for add3 are collected by 
org-babel-params-from-properties but those of whatIsN.

The consequence is that add3 gets the header arg n=add3(5) from the drawer. 
Naturally, that leads to infinite recursion.

The funny thing is that they already tried to make sure that 
org-babel-params-from-properties gets the right header args from the location 
of datum. I cite a small section of org-babel-get-src-block-info:

;; If DATUM is provided, make sure we get node
 ;; properties applicable to its location within
 ;; the document.
 (org-with-point-at (org-element-property :begin datum)
 (org-babel-params-from-properties lang))

You can avoid the error if you additionally let-bind 
org-babel-current-src-block-location to the location of datum:

;; If DATUM is provided, make sure we get node
 ;; properties applicable to its location within
 ;; the document.
 (let ((org-babel-current-src-block-location (org-element-property :begin 
 (org-with-point-at org-babel-current-src-block-location
 (org-babel-params-from-properties lang)))

I am not sure about the full consequences of that change through.

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