I will search for the API page later.  It seems to me that the site was not
behaving normally today, and I struggled to find that page.  I may have
printed it!

Meanwhile, I was able to use a part of the script to get sun information,
but nothing for the moon?   I wanted to get series of declinations through
the month.  Attached is the test script I used, and it worked even when I
could not locate the pages any other way!

The same thing for :erigee" did not work.

Alan Davis

On Tue, Nov 20, 2018 at 10:41 PM Eric S Fraga <esfli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 20 Nov 2018 at 11:12, Alan E. Davis wrote:
> > Eric:
> >
> > This is extremely useful.
> Glad you liked it.  Strangely enough, they seem to have changed the
> format of output (now sending json) so the script no longer works.
> > I found some documentation on the site, re the API.
> What is the link for the API information?  With that, I may be able to
> help answer your question about getting lunar declination data off the
> server.
> --
> Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.14-1035-gfeb442

[Fill in the blanks]

The use of corrupt manipulations and blatant rhetorical ploys ...---
outright lying, flagwaving, personal attacks, setting up phony
alternatives, misdirection, jargon-mongering, evading key issues, feigning
disinterested objectivity, willful misunderstanding of other points of
view---suggests that ... lacks both credibility and evidence.

             ---- Edward Tufte (in context of making presentations)

Attachment: Perihelion-test-info.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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