> Also that suggestion to use org-capture-after-finalize-hook does not > work.. I am investigating to find the right way.
I got the captures to auto-save with the below work-around: (with-eval-after-load 'org-capture (defvar modi/org-capture-base-buffer nil) (defun modi/org-capture-before-finalize () (let ((base-buffer (buffer-base-buffer (current-buffer)))) (setq modi/org-capture-base-buffer base-buffer))) (add-hook 'org-capture-before-finalize-hook #'modi/org-capture-before-finalize) (defun modi/org-capture-save-buffer () (when modi/org-capture-base-buffer (let ((base-buffer-already-open (bufferp modi/org-capture-base-buffer))) (with-current-buffer modi/org-capture-base-buffer (save-buffer)))) (setq modi/org-capture-base-buffer nil)) ;Reset the buffer name cache (add-hook 'org-capture-after-finalize-hook #'modi/org-capture-save-buffer)) tumashu: I am wondering if it's possible to undo this commit and we can figure out how to prevent file saving during org-capture.