>> With commit fbe56f89f75a8979e0ba48001a822518df2c66fe, the function
>> org-get-tags incorrectly removes uninherited tags from the list of tags
>> it returns, *even if* they are local tags.
>> Expected behavior: org-get-tags should always return local tags,
>> regardless of whether they are excluded from inheritance. The variable
>> org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance should only apply to tags in parent
>> heading or to file tags.
>> Actual behavior: if a local tag is in org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance,
>> org-get-tags will not return it.
>> I've attached a patch that fixes the issue.
> You're right. Thank you.
> Could you add a regression test for this and push the change?

Hi Nicolas,

Sorry for the delay. I finally had time to improve this fix (my first
fix caused another regression) and add a regression test. At the moment,
I don't have push rights to the Org Mode repo, so I'm attaching the
patch here.


>From f3dc39236e8f3940c58ab4e48f629360028131e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 07:48:10 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Ensure that org-get-tags returns all local tags

* lisp/org.el: (org-get-tags) Create a clearer separation between
  local and inherited tags in the function, so that
  org-remove-uninherited tags is only run on inherited tags. This is
  important to avoid destroying existing tags when adding new tags.
* testing/lisp/test-org.el: (test-org/get-tags) Add regression test
 lisp/org.el              | 15 ++++++++-------
 testing/lisp/test-org.el |  7 +++++++
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org.el b/lisp/org.el
index 999575d05..94252489c 100644
--- a/lisp/org.el
+++ b/lisp/org.el
@@ -14722,14 +14722,15 @@ Inherited tags have the `inherited' text property."
     (org-with-point-at (or pos (point))
       (unless (org-before-first-heading-p)
 	(org-back-to-heading t)
-	(let ((tags (org--get-local-tags)))
-	  (if (or local (not org-use-tag-inheritance)) tags
+	(let ((ltags (org--get-local-tags)) itags)
+	  (if (or local (not org-use-tag-inheritance)) ltags
+	    (setq itags org-file-tags)
 	    (while (org-up-heading-safe)
-	      (setq tags (append (mapcar #'org-add-prop-inherited
-					 (org--get-local-tags))
-				 tags)))
-	    (org-remove-uninherited-tags
-	     (delete-dups (append org-file-tags tags)))))))))
+	      (setq itags (append (mapcar #'org-add-prop-inherited
+					  (org--get-local-tags))
+				  itags)))
+	    (delete-dups
+	     (append (org-remove-uninherited-tags itags) ltags))))))))
 (defun org-get-buffer-tags ()
   "Get a table of all tags used in the buffer, for completion."
diff --git a/testing/lisp/test-org.el b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
index a6b283163..20164beb5 100644
--- a/testing/lisp/test-org.el
+++ b/testing/lisp/test-org.el
@@ -6190,6 +6190,13 @@ Paragraph<point>"
    (equal '("foo")
 	  (org-test-with-temp-text "* H1 :foo:\n* <point>H2 :bar:"
 	    (org-get-tags 1))))
+  ;; Make sure tags excluded from inheritance are returned if local
+  (should
+   (equal '("foo")
+	  (org-test-with-temp-text "* Test :foo:"
+            (let ((org-use-tag-inheritance t)
+                  (org-tags-exclude-from-inheritance '("foo")))
+	      (org-get-tags)))))
   ;; Pathological case: tagged headline with an empty body.
   (should (org-test-with-temp-text "* :tag:" (org-get-tags))))

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