>> 2] i also find that refreshing resets the zoom level created using
>> text-scale-increase.  i wonder if this can also be preserved.  to me,
>> refreshing refers to updating the contents of the agenda view, not
>> things like text scale.
> This is a wanted feature AFAICT.  I think the following patch is a
> reliable way to achieve the preservation of text-scale for agenda-redo.

The following is an alternative patch which I think is preferable.  It
just keeps the needed local variables for the text-scale (aka zoom) in
good order in function org-agenda-mode.

Further I use this patch already for some days and could not find any


>From 74aa62a7d777319f14896f3814cae474d947f3a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marco Wahl <marcowahls...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2018 15:17:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] org-agenda: Keep local-variables defining text-scale

* lisp/org-agenda.el (org-agenda-mode): Save and restore local
	   variables text-scale-mode-amount, text-scale-mode,
	   text-scale-mode-lighter, face-remapping-alist.  In effect
	   this keeps the text-scale at agenda rebuild and redo.

This commit is predicated on the newsgroup post of Samuel Wales "point
moves and zoom level reverts when refreshing agenda" at Sun, 27 May
 lisp/org-agenda.el | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/org-agenda.el b/lisp/org-agenda.el
index 24b752498..4b95b8c59 100644
--- a/lisp/org-agenda.el
+++ b/lisp/org-agenda.el
@@ -2184,29 +2184,37 @@ The following commands are available:
-  (cond (org-agenda-doing-sticky-redo
-	 ;; Refreshing sticky agenda-buffer
-	 ;;
-	 ;; Preserve the value of `org-agenda-local-vars' variables,
-	 ;; while letting `kill-all-local-variables' kill the rest
-	 (let ((save (buffer-local-variables)))
-	   (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (let ((agenda-local-vars-to-keep
+	 '(text-scale-mode-amount
+	   text-scale-mode
+	   text-scale-mode-lighter
+	   face-remapping-alist))
+	(save (buffer-local-variables)))
+    (kill-all-local-variables)
+    (cond (org-agenda-doing-sticky-redo
+	   ;; Refreshing sticky agenda-buffer
+	   ;;
+	   ;; Preserve the value of `org-agenda-local-vars' variables.
 	   (mapc #'make-local-variable org-agenda-local-vars)
 	   (dolist (elem save)
 	     (pcase elem
 	       (`(,var . ,val)		;ignore unbound variables
 		(when (and val (memq var org-agenda-local-vars))
-		  (set var val))))))
-	 (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky t))
-	(org-agenda-sticky
-	 ;; Creating a sticky Agenda buffer for the first time
-	 (kill-all-local-variables)
-	 (mapc 'make-local-variable org-agenda-local-vars)
-	 (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky t))
-	(t
-	 ;; Creating a non-sticky agenda buffer
-	 (kill-all-local-variables)
-	 (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky nil)))
+		  (set var val)))))
+	   (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky t))
+	  (org-agenda-sticky
+	   ;; Creating a sticky Agenda buffer for the first time
+	   (mapc 'make-local-variable org-agenda-local-vars)
+	   (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky t))
+	  (t
+	   ;; Creating a non-sticky agenda buffer
+	   (setq-local org-agenda-this-buffer-is-sticky nil)))
+    (mapc #'make-local-variable agenda-local-vars-to-keep)
+    (dolist (elem save)
+      (pcase elem
+	(`(,var . ,val)		;ignore unbound variables
+	 (when (and val (memq var agenda-local-vars-to-keep))
+	   (set var val))))))
   (setq org-agenda-undo-list nil
 	org-agenda-pending-undo-list nil
 	org-agenda-bulk-marked-entries nil)

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