
Julien Cubizolles <j.cubizol...@free.fr> writes:

> The options specified by #+ keywords are set during asynchronous export
> whereas those specified by the #+BIND: method aren't. In the following
> example, org-latex-image-default-width is set to .25\linewidth only in
> synchronous export whereas the author is set regardless of the type of
> export.
> #+AUTHOR: myself
> #+BIND: org-latex-image-default-width ".25\\linewidth"
> * 1st heading
> [[file:some_picture.png]]
> I think both the #+KEYWORD: and #+BIND: should have the same behaviour
> whereas one is using async export or not.

I don't think it is related. Maybe `org-export-allow-bind-keywords' is
nil in your async configuration.


Nicolas Goaziou

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