Hi Giovanni,

I am doing exactly what you do:  C-c C-e after the setq form, then
M-x normal-mode.

Works perfectly.

The only reason I can think of is that you somehow managed to make
org-todo-keywords a local variable.  This can happen with
a File Variable section in the buffer, or if you
have something like

(make-variable-buffer-local 'org-todo-keywords)

in .emacs or elsewhere.

You can check in the org buffer with

C-h v org-todo-keywords RET

If the variable is local in that buffer, the Help window will say so.

org-todo-keywords should *not* be a local variable.

However, if it is, your setq evaluation will set the local value
only.  Then you restart the major mode with normal-mode or similar,
and the first thing this will do is *deleting* all local variables.


- Carsten

On Mar 4, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

Hello everybody

I'm not able to change the todo keywords in a file
with "setq org-todo-keywords" and restarting org-mode
as described in the manual ยง 5.2.1 .

Org-mode version 6.23b
GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2009-02-01 on SOFT- MJASON
M$Widows XP

   -*- mode: org; -*-
* TODO 1st head

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "FEEDBACK" "VERIFY" "|" "DONE" "DELEGATED")))


(setq org-todo-keywords '((type "Fred" "Sara" "Lucy" "|" "DONE")))

If I
+ go to )))
+ C-x C-e
+ M-x normal-mode  (to restart Org-mode)

the * TODO sequence is still TODO DONE

The sequence is changed  (feedback, delegated...)
- if I change it via the customization interface
- if I use #+SEQ_TODO: and C-c C-c on it

I'm puzzled! the sequence is changed with the "type" keyword
(setq org-todo-keywords '((type

Is it a bug or do I miss something?


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