
I am using the PostgreSQL 10.0 and that means that
pg.el cannot be used anymore as it is not updated
for that database.

So, something like this below is not working

#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine postgresql :exports results :cmdline :database business 
:dbuser cox
SELECT -- salesflowstages_priority AS "Priority", 
       salesflowstages_publicstage AS "Development Stages" --,
--       salesflowstages_description AS "Description" 
FROM salesflowstages
WHERE salesflowstages_salesflows = 1 -- Start Your Own Gold Mine
ORDER BY salesflowstages_priority ASC

However, I can use the emacs-libpq module which is
working fine, but not within the Org mode.

It would be good to update Org mode so that
postgresql may work also with the version 10.0

Or point me somewhere how I can update it myself.

Thank you,

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