On Monday, 26 Feb 2018 at 15:35, Robert Horn wrote:
> I have been working on converting ICal format files (.ics, .vcs, etc.)
> into org content.  This is now ready to share (by adventurous users
> only).

Thanks for this.  You might wish to have a look at the awk script I
wrote some years ago in case it helps with any remaining bits you need
to work on.  It's on worg:


It doesn't handle everything but does do the job for me in importing
outlook and google calendar events.

>      2.) Convert Ical formatted attachments.  I get a lot of these in
>      emails.  I'll eventually add something to emacs or mu4e. So far
>      I've saved them to files and converted the files.

If you use gnus, it comes with a gnus-icalendar package which will
convert calendar attachments to org entries.  You can export to org &
accept/decline events.  I use this all the time.

Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.6-352-g92176c

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