On Tuesday, 16 Jan 2018 at 19:09, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Thibault Marin <thibault.ma...@gmx.com> writes:


>> - In non-MathJax modes, I currently pre-process the latex environment to
>>   change equation environments to their * version,
>>   e.g. "\begin{equation}" -> "\begin{equation*}".  This is to prevent
>>   the latex environment from adding its own labeling to the rendered
>>   image.  This feels like a hack.  Is there a better way to achieve
>>   this?
> No idea. I hope a LaTeX expert can chime it.

Not an expert but I can chime in anyway. :-)

To avoid having to hack the code, you could try using the mathtools
package and ask it to only number equations that are referenced:


This goes in the preamble for processing the snippets.


Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.6-317-gc82c21

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