Message: 8
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 22:16:56 -0700
From: (Tory S. Anderson)
To: orgmode list <>
Subject: [O] Orgmode repeater intervals with end date
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
Hi all,
When repeater intervals are set on on org dates (eg =<2018-01-10
Wed 16:00 +2w>=)
the output is exported nicely to ical and appears
nicely in agenda. Is there anyway to put an end-date on org dates
so that the +2w will not just continue forever?
I could use org-class, but then it wouldn't be exported to ical
nicely. I was hopefully with <2018-01-10 Wed 16:00
+2w>--<2018-04-10 Wed 16:00 +2w> but this just put the range as
counting every day in the interim. Is there an existing way to
have an end-date on a repeating cycle?
- Tory
Have you tried with DEADLINE:? I seem to remember to have read something
like that somewhere. Don't trust me. If it helps, I am glad, but I am
not sure.
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