i am generally sort of leery of org adding header features to lists, as lists are supposed to be lightweight, but currently, conversion from header does preserve priority cookies, which i think is trttd.
for my usage, it would be useful to manipulate them. specificially to have org-shiftup work on them. and preferably sort. does anybody have code for this by any chance? dunno if i want to make this fr or not as idk what people think. -- The Kafka Pandemic: <http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com> The disease DOES progress. MANY people have died from it. And ANYBODY can get it at any time. "You’ve really gotta quit this and get moving, because this is murder by neglect." --- <http://www.meaction.net/2017/02/03/pwme-people-with-me-are-being-murdered-by-neglect>.