
Ag Ibragimov <agzam.ibragi...@gmail.com> writes:

> # Description:
> After you store a link to a heading that itself contains a URL link,
> and then insert that stored link to another .org document - it mangles the 
> link.
> # To reproduce
> 1) In a document A:
>  create a heading, make the title of the heading a link, eg.
>     * [[https://www.google.com/][google]]
> 2) Store the link to the heading: `M-x org-store-link`
> 3) Insert the link in a document B: `M-x org-insert-last-stored-link`
> 4) Examine the inserted item, see that the URL is encoded and jumping
> back to the heading in document A doesn't work

Fixed. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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