> > Dunno whether there are actual bindings in Org that correspond to these
> > occurrences in the source code of `C-c' followed by a letter.  Might be
> > worth checking.  (Bindings of `C-c' followed by a letter are reserved
> > for users.)  Possibly these are just vestigial doc indications, which
> > could be corrected/updated.
> Org's manual suggests to bind `org-agenda' to `C-c a', but doesn't bind
> it by default.

I'm not even sure that's a great idea.  I think not.

I suppose it's "legit", as the user, not the Org code, would be
making the binding.  But in my libraries I provide binding
suggestions only for keys that are not reserved for use by users.

If a commonly used Emacs library (Org is the best example of that)
suggests to users that they bind `C-c a' to something then that
key becomes pretty much, in effect, lost as a key reserved for
user customization.

IOW, if 90% of Emacs users follow that suggestion then there is
little difference between that situation and the situation of
Org binding `C-c a' by default.

My vote would be that Org should not do this.  Just one opinion.

> Fixed (I used \\[org-agenda] instead of C-c a). Thank you.

Thanks for doing that.

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