I'm trying to get literate programming with `:noweb` syntax working in org-mode. I think I'm down to about the minimum case:
#+TITLE: Console Tic Tac Toe #+SUBTITLE: A Literate Program in EMACS Org-Mode #+AUTHOR: Charlie Martin #+STARTUP: showall #+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle yes :noweb import sys import os def main(args): <<initialize-the-game-board>> if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) #+END_SRC #+NAME: initialize-the-game-board #+BEGIN_SRC python :tangle yes :noweb board = [[-1 for x in range(3)] for y in range(3)] #+END_SRC but when I tangle it I get: import sys import os def main(args): <<initialize-the-game-board>> if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) board = [[-1 for x in range(3)] for y in range(3)] I've tried permuting the argument, flags, and so on to no avail. EMACS version is 25.3.1 MacOS, org-mode 9.1.3