"numbch...@gmail.com" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:

> I think the function `org-insert-structure-template' also should respect the 
> `org-babel-uppercase-example-markers'.
> Besides, your new diff does not have a condition on 
> `org-babel-uppercase-example-markers', you just use `upcase-initials` by 
> default. Then the new `tempo` snippets
> will be uppercase, but the `org-insert-structure-template` inserted templates 
> will be different.

I'm not entirely understanding you here -- it is
`org-insert-structure-template' that respects
`org-babel-uppercase-example-markers', not the tempo snippet (which was
an omission). And none of the code is using `upcase-initials'.

As far as I can see, the bug is that EXAMPLE is uppercased but the
"begin" and "end" aren't, and also that the tempo snippet doesn't
capitalize at all...

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