
Pierre-André Cornillon <pac.hera...@gmail.com> writes:

> Dear orgmode users/gurus,
> I have a question about fontification of inner src bloc.
> I have two nested blocks: one special (outer bloc) and one src (inner
> bloc) like this
> #+begin_bloc20171001122500
> #+begin_src R
>   blip <- runif(2)
>   test <- rnorm(2)
> #+end_src
> #+end_bloc20171001122500
> and I want to have the native fontification property for the inner one.
> I have already (setq org-src-fontify-natively t) in my .emacs and it
> works like a charm for src blocks alone (not nested) but for nested
> ones it breaks.
> Is nested blocks are allowed and if so, is that possible to have that
> fontification property ?

Nested blocks are allowed, but the fontification system has a few
shortcomings, including this one. Ultimately, this part of Org needs to
be rewritten using the parser.

Anyway The bug probably lies in `org-fontify-meta-lines-and-blocks-1'.
Do you want to investigate?


Nicolas Goaziou

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