Richard Lawrence <> writes: > Hi everyone, > > About a year ago, I wrote: >> >>> Is there a simple way for me to say to the agenda, "Show me all (and only) >>> the NEXT tasks that are part of a project whose deadline is before (say) >>> 2016-11-01"? It seems like this should be possible with the built-in agenda >>> but I can't quite figure it out. The tricky thing is filtering by the >>> deadline of the parent project, which might be several levels up. > > I'm still stuck on this, so I'd like to ask this question again. Bastien > responded: > >> I would add a category to each project, then use something along this: >> >> ("N" "My important tasks" tags-todo >> "CATEGORY={cat1\\|cat2}+TODO={NEXT}+DEADLINE<=\"<+3d>\"") > > But that doesn't seem to work for me. The problem is that the tasks I want to > list in the tags-todo search don't themselves have deadlines; only their > parent > projects do. > > I have a file with projects that look like this: > > ** TODO Foo University DEADLINE: <2017-11-01> > *** NEXT Determine application requirements for Foo U. > *** TODO Submit application > > I'd like to see a list of just NEXT tasks in this file, sorted by the deadline > of their parent projects. > > I thought that property inheritance would be the way to do this. So I tried: > > ("jn" "Job application NEXT tasks" tags-todo > "+jobmarket+application+TODO={NEXT}" ((org-use-property-inheritance t)) > (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up)))) > > as well as > > ("jn" "Job application NEXT tasks" tags-todo > "+jobmarket+application+TODO={NEXT}" ((org-use-property-inheritance > '("DEADLINE")) (org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(deadline-up)))) > > in org-agenda-custom-commands. But neither seems to work. Can anyone provide > any insights here? Is it possible for sub-tasks within a project to inherit > their deadline? Found an already asked question that might help: You can set org-agenda-sorting-strategy to `user-defined-up' and use the function used in the thread I have posted above to compare two NEXT entries.
> Many thanks as always! > > Best, > Richard > -- Narendra Joshi