Hello Nicolas.
Nicolas, does this means we should modify these little things
in Org?
Unfortunately these are not "little things".
Sorry, it was my ignorance of the infrastructure on which this
First, I assume "filenameencoding" is not necessarily utf8, so
it cannot be a default value.
Ah, super clear.
More importantly, there is an ongoing issue with link encoding,
which is debated in another (moribund) thread. IOW, "insert the
filename as it is" is not easy, because Org needs to encode file
names, but doesn't know for sure when a file name has been
Ok, got it. So, what should we do?
Here are some possible things to discuss...
+ One thing that may be relatively simple to do (I won't assume
"little things" anymore) is to warn in the documentation that for
the moment, it's preferable to avoid extended chars in filenames.
+ Other point: is it logical to warn the User in the moment when
the link is created, that we found extended chars and that may
complicate things on the export? (I wouldn't recomend to change
the filename even if from the HCI POV seems logical, since we
don't know the origin of this filename, among other reasons, and
could even be re-writed).
+ Does it make sense to check the files in the moment we write the
latex file, and change the filename/s in that instant? Or at least
to warn the User then?
+ Farther in the future is that decision about to encode or not
the links, in which I can't emit any opinion since it is far from
my domain.
+ Other possibilities?
eduardo mercovich
Donde se cruzan tus talentos
con las necesidades del mundo,
ahí está tu vocación.