Hello Take the following example
* Test section This is a test #+begin_src matlab :results output latex :exports results X=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]; p=[1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/7]; E=X*p'; x2=X.*X; E2=x2*p'; V=E2-E^2; disp('\begin{align}') fprintf('E[X]&=%g\\\\ \n', E) fprintf('E^2[X]&=%g\\\\\n', E2) fprintf('V[X]&=%g\n', V) disp('\end{align}') #+end_src Executing the src block leads #+RESULTS: #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex \begin{align} E[X]&=4\\ E^2[X]&=20\\ V[X]&=4 \end{align} #+END_EXPORT Which is what I want. When I convert the org file to latex I am again asked to execute the src block, which I don't want since it is already executed. How can I avoid this question, without deleting the src block. This is important if I have a lot of blocks which I already have executed, and want to export the file without denying is executing every time I am asked. Thanks Uwe Brauer