Thanks for your reply. The first trick worked fine.

For the second problem though, I 'd not like to cycle through the
states. That's coz each time I change the state, I have to log it.

So I am trying to define a single key that lets me jump straight to the
DONE state (from any other state). C-c C-t C-c works okay coz the last
'c' chooses the DONE state from the menu.

Any ideas how I can define a simpler key for this? Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernt Hansen [] 
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 6:52 PM
To: Varnit Suri
Subject: Re: Help with binding new key to change task state

"Varnit Suri" <> writes:

> The org manual talks about using C-u C-c C-t to change the state of a
> task. This command nicely throws up a list of several intermediate
> states to choose from. In addition, I have logging turned on, so each
> time I do this, I can log a note about the state change.
> I am merely trying to bind this to a simpler set of keys. I know C-c
> is bound to org-todo, but can't figure out what C-u C-c C-t binds to
> (describe-key stops at C-u). Or then, maybe I don't know Emacs/Org
> enough yet. Any suggestions?

C-c C-t and C-u C-c C-t both bind to the same function.  The C-u just
provides a prefix value of 4 to the function so it can behave
differently (displaying the menu of todo choices)

You probably want to set 

(setq org-use-fast-todo-selection t)

so that C-c C-t shows the menu by default.

> The second thing I am trying to do is have a shortcut to take a task
> from TODO to DONE without going through the above process.

If you have your todo states defined in sequences you can use S-left
arrow and S-right arrow to cycle between the states quickly.

I use the following TODO settings:

(setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO(t)" "STARTED(s!)" "|"
                          (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "SOMEDAY(s)" "|"
                          (sequence "QUOTATION(q!)" "QUOTED(Q!)" "|"
                          (sequence "OPENPO(O!)" "|" "CLOSEDPO(C@)")
                          (sequence "|" "NOTE(n)" "PHONE(T)")))

so if I have a task

* TODO Do something

then S-right arrow moves to STARTED and a second time moves to DONE


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