Hi Marvin.

For manuscripts, my research group and I typically save images in pdf format, much better resolution. It would be nice to view pdf images when working in org-mode.
Does anybody know how to view pdf images in org-mode.

Excuse my question but there is something I don't understand here... I'd like to be sure we are not scratching where it doesn't itch. PDF files don't show images at a better resolution, they just "encapsulate" and show them. So, if you have a 2000x2000 px jpg, putting it inside a pdf will not add resolution (nor lower it, if it's not compressed), but just add a wrapper around it. The resolution is a property of the image file.

OTOH, different image formats do change the quality: jpg and (some) png are lossy formats while tiff is looseless. So what kind of images are you talking about? Are they produced by you and your team (and using what tools/methods), scanned from physical artifacts, or taken from other sources?

Maybe there is no need to do all this pdf magic.
PS We also work with svg images too, that would also love to view in org-mode

Again, this is quite similar. You can produce pdf from svg: both are vector images and are resolution independent. But emacs con show svg files directly (see https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsSvg).

eduardo mercovich

Donde se cruzan tus talentos con las necesidades del mundo, ahí está tu vocación. (Anónimo)

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