On Mon, 13 Mar 2017, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Chuck,

Charles C. Berry writes:

On Fri, 10 Feb 2017, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Chuck,

Charles C. Berry writes:

A look at the `slidify-example.org' file in the `org-9-plus' branch of my
(chasberry) `orgmode-accessories' github repo might be a good start with
.Rmd exports even if you do not want to use `slidify'.

{snip - discussion of how to export to R markdown]

Just a short note to let you know that ox-ravel was a terrific tool for
my project of producing a workable R Markdown file for an upcoming
conference.  I was dreading the requirement to provide .Rmd source for a
handout, but ox-ravel made it one of the easiest steps.

I just got back from two weeks offline and it was nice to find your note.

I am glad ox-ravel did the job for you!



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