Hello all, here is a MWE =====BEGIN MWE=====
#+NAME: table20170119 | col1 | col2 | |------+------------| | row1 | 1234567890 | | row2 | a | | row3 | b | | row4 | c | #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var table=table20170119 :colnames yes :results output (print (map 'list (lambda (row) (nth 1 row)) table)) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : : (1234567890.0 "a" "b" "c") =====END MWE===== As you can see, col #1, row #1 is parsed as a float. I would like it to be parsed as a string. In other words, the expected RESULTS are =====BEGIN EXPECTED RESULT===== #+RESULTS: : : ("1234567890" "a" "b" "c") =====END EXPECTED RESULT===== Is there an option to prevent org from interpreting the cell values? I noticed that org-table-to-lisp returns all cells as strings. That's the functionality I am looking for, in header arguments. Thanks for your help, Sébastien