On Tuesday,  4 Oct 2016 at 13:03, Peter Davis wrote:
> I have a document with a number of embedded dot graphics (and one
> ditaa). I'm trying to output these in some vector format, so they will
> work across a wide range of devices. However I can't seem to find the
> one true graphics format.

I don't think there is one true graphics format unfortunately.  What I
would suggest is that you have your src block export the dot graphic to
a specific format based on the export target.  For instance, if
exporting to LaTeX/PDF, use PDF; if exporting to HTML, use SVG.  You can
specify the actual destination using elisp code in the src block header.

> Are there other options? Suggestions? Can ditaa even do anything other
> than png?

The web site (http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/) says that there is an EPS

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs 25.1.1, Org release_8.3.6-1131-gd68497

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