Hi Carsten, we have a general org file that a lot of people in the
organization include. These are the values in it. Cheers --Manuel

;; General emacs things

(setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
(global-font-lock-mode 1)
;; Should be done locally instead:
;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ; just in case
;; To highlight the line the cursor is at in the agenda
(add-hook 'org-agenda-mode-hook '(lambda () (hl-line-mode 1)))
(setq transient-mark-mode t)

;; General org settings

;; Actually, needs to be done before loading org
(setq org-return-follows-link t) ;; Links followed when typing return

;; The following lines are always needed.  You can choose your own keys.
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-cb" 'org-iswitchb)
(global-set-key "\C-ct" 
  (lambda () (interactive) (find-file org-default-notes-file)))
(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org_archive$" . org-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org.gpg$" . org-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org.gpg_archive$" . org-mode))
(setq org-hide-leading-stars t)              ;; Nicer decoration 
(setq org-yank-adjusted-subtrees nil)        ;; Too smart otherwise (confusing)
(setq org-log-done 'time)                    ;; Insert time stamp on done
(setq org-agenda-todo-list-sublevels t) ;; Whether to check sublevels
(setq org-tags-match-list-sublevels t)  ;; Match tags in sublevels
(setq org-tags-column -77) ;; So that "..." is visible after the tags
;; (setq org-agenda-include-diary t) ;; Connect w/diary - using only org now
;; (setq org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt nil)   ;; was distracting
(setq org-popup-calendar-for-date-prompt t) ;; works better in recent versions
(setq org-startup-folded t)                     ;; reduces clutter
(setq org-cycle-include-plain-lists nil) ;; Confusing for me...
(setq org-highest-priority ?A)
(setq org-default-priority ?C)
(setq org-lowest-priority  ?E)
(setq org-special-ctrl-k t)
(setq org-special-ctrl-a/e t)
(setq org-fontify-done-headline t)
(setq org-fontify-emphasized-text t)
;; (setq org-extend-today-until 6) ;; Does not work yet?
(setq org-ellipsis (quote org-ellipsis))
(setq org-agenda-window-setup 
      'current-window) ;; normal value: reorganize-frame

;; Default binding of n and p in agenda view is confusing for emacs users
 (lambda ()
   (define-key org-agenda-keymap   "n" 'org-agenda-later)
   (define-key org-agenda-mode-map "n" 'org-agenda-later)
   (define-key org-agenda-keymap   "p" 'org-agenda-earlier)
   (define-key org-agenda-mode-map "p" 'org-agenda-earlier)

;; Customize in what order entries are sorted (important for todo
;; lists). Default is first by category -> changed to first by priority.

(setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy
      '((agenda time-up priority-down category-keep)
        (todo time-up priority-down category-keep)
        (tags time-up priority-down category-keep)
        (search category-keep)))

;; Archiving (used to hide done or dismissed/canceled tasks from agenda)

(setq org-archive-location "::* Archive") 
(setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled t)       ;; reduces clutter
(setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines t)       ;; reduces clutter
(setq org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date t)       ;; reduces clutter
(setq org-agenda-show-log nil) ; By default do not show closed tasks

(defun org-agenda-my-archive ()
  (if org-agenda-archives-mode
      (message "Archiving not allowed in archives mode.")
 (lambda ()
   (define-key org-agenda-keymap   "$" 'org-agenda-my-archive)
   (define-key org-agenda-mode-map "$" 'org-agenda-my-archive)

;; With this typing "L" in agenda and todo buffers allows toggling
;; whether category/file names appear or not at the left or entries in
;; agenda/todo listings.

(defvar my-org-agenda-list-category t)
(defun my-org-agenda-toggle-list-category ()
 "Toggles whether category/file name appears or not at the left
  of entries in agenda listings. Useful to unclutter listings."
  (if my-org-agenda-list-category
        (setq my-org-agenda-list-category nil)
        (setq org-agenda-prefix-format
              '((agenda  . "  %-12:c%?-12t% s")
                (timeline  . "  % s")
                (todo  . "  %-12:c")
                (tags  . "  %-12:c")
                (search . "  %-12:c")))
    (setq my-org-agenda-list-category t)
    (setq org-agenda-prefix-format
          '((agenda  . "  %?-12t% s")
            (timeline  . "  % s")
            (todo  . "  ")
            (tags  . "  ")
            (search . "  ")))

 (lambda ()
   (define-key org-agenda-keymap   "L" 'my-org-agenda-toggle-list-category)
   (define-key org-agenda-mode-map "L" 'my-org-agenda-toggle-list-category)


(setq Info-default-directory-list
      (cons (expand-file-name 
             (concat org-general-path "org/doc"))

;; Connection w/remember: allows adding quickly entries in agenda.

;; (setq org-directory "~/path/to/my/orgfiles/")
(setq org-default-notes-file (car org-agenda-files))
(define-key global-map "\C-cr" 'org-remember)
(setq org-remember-templates
      '(("Todo" ?t "** TODO [#C] %? %t \n %i\n %a" "" "Unclassified")
        ("Appointments" ?a "** %^t %?\n  %a" "" "Unclassified")
        ("Idea" ?i "* %^{Title}\n  %a" "" "Raw New Ideas")
        ("Journal Entry" ?j "* %U %?\n\n  %i\n %a" "" "Journal Notes")

 Manuel Hermenegildo                     | Prof., C.S.Dept., T.U. Madrid (UPM)
 Director, IMDEA-Software and CLIP Group | +34-91-336-7435 (W) -352-4819 (Fax)

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