On 9/12/16, Adam Porter <a...@alphapapa.net> wrote:
> Samuel, in case you missed it, you might find this message helpful:
> Message-ID: <loom.20160721t115626-...@post.gmane.org>

i don't have a client that reads message ids but i presume you mean
the alphapapa github package suggestion earlier in this thread.  i
will try that, thank you.

i should point out that trying the instructions in this thread has
left my firefox in an even worse state: capture does not work at all,
whereas before it was intermittent.  i followed them exactly, as far
as i know.

now every capture i make with org-capture extension OR the bookmark i
tried before OR the bookmark suggested in this thread creates a buffer
with the name like listed at the end here:

Greedy org-protocol handler.  Killing client.
No server buffers remain to edit
Use M-x make-directory RET RET to create the directory and its parents
When done with a buffer, type C-x #

i wish i could get capture to work.

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