> > This doesn't update either (C-u C-c *):
> >
> > |---+-------+---+---|
> > | 1 | derp  | 3 | 3 |
> > | 2 | derp2 | 5 |   |
> > |---+-------+---+---|
> > |   |       |   | 0 |
> > #+TBLFM: $4=$1*$3
> >
> > I'd been working with these recently and discovered sometimes it
> > wasn't updating... I hadn't gotten an MWE though so based on yours I
> > composed a few.
> It may be related to the fact that the first row group is considered as
> a table header. Column formulas do not apply on these headers. See first
> paragraph in (info "(org) Column formulas").

Excellent point! That fits the other examples as well.

I thought the header required an extra character in another column to

I frequently use horizontal lines to trigger calculation using the
relative range for lines above the current cell, like so:

|   |       |   |       |
| 1 | derp  | 3 |     3 |
| 2 | derp2 | 5 |    10 |
|   |       |   | 13.00 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$1*$3::@4$4=vsum(@-I..@-II);%0.2f

Perhaps someone knows a better way?

Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

PGP Key ID:     0x1160DCB3           http://www.adamsinfoserv.com/

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