Hi Jorge.

>> |           | move | move | del   | del  |
>> | object    | prev | next | back  | forw |
>> |-----------+------+------+-------+------|
>> | text      | M <  | M >  | -     | -    |
>> | screen    | M v  | C v  | -     | -    |
>> | paragraph | M p  | M n  | -     | -    |
>> | sentence  | M a  | M e  | -     | M-k  |
>> | line ↑ ↓  | C p  | C n  | -     | -    |
>> |      < >  | C a  | C e  | -     | C-k  |
>> | word      | M b  | M f  | M-DEL | M-d  |
>> | char      | C b  | C f  | DEL   | C-d  |

> Yes, these bindings are very useful.  And did you know that even
> outside Emacs you can move/delete wordwise by pressing ctrl togeter
> with the right/left arrows or delete or backspace? [...]

Yes, that's how I did it since I have memory and today is the standard.
Crtl and up/down in many editing programs means paragraph previous and next 
That's why I was so surprised when I learnt that Emacs is courteous to
them, but it's native keybindings were different. :)

> However, in my Emacs, backward-paragraph is bound to M-{, not M-p, and
> forward-paragraph is bound to M-}, not M-n.  M-n and M-p are undefined
> here, except in specific modes (the only one I remember is the
> minibuffer). Have you bound these keys yourself?

You're absolutely right, it is my fault, I forgot that I bind them!
What you have is the standard, this was just to follow the same pattern
that in the rest of the keybindings (Meta key, Previous and Next).

The standard binding (just replace the row) is

| paragraph | M {  | M }  | -     | -    |

Sorry to all of you, I did it some time ago and just forgot it.


eduardo mercovich 

 Donde se cruzan tus talentos 
 con las necesidades del mundo, 
 ahí está tu vocación.

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