John Kitchin <> writes:

> What do you think of this approach:
>  (defcustom org-link-parameters
> -  '(("file"  :complete 'org-file-complete-link)
> -    ("file+emacs" :follow (lambda (path) (org-open-file path '(4))))
> -    ("file+sys" :follow (lambda (path) (org-open-file path 'system)))
> +  '(("file"  :complete #'org-file-complete-link)
> +    ("file+emacs" :follow (lambda (path) (org-open-file-link path '(4))))
> +    ("file+sys" :follow (lambda (path) (org-open-file-link path 'system)))

It could work, but I suggest to rename it `org--open-file-link' or some
such, i.e., make it an internal function, because it could be confusing
with `org-open-link-from-string'.

>      ("http") ("https") ("ftp") ("mailto")
>      ("news") ("shell") ("elisp")
>      ("doi") ("message") ("help"))
> @@ -10732,6 +10732,30 @@ they must return nil.")
>  (defvar org-link-search-inhibit-query nil) ;; dynamically scoped
>  (defvar clean-buffer-list-kill-buffer-names) ; Defined in midnight.el
> +
> +(defun org-open-file-link (path app)
> +  "Open PATH using APP.
> +
> +PATH is from a file link, and can have the following

missing "syntax"?

> +     [[file:~/code/main.c::255]]
> +     [[file:~/ Target]]
> +     [[file:~/*My Target]]
> +     [[file:~/]]
> +     [[file:~/]]
> +
> +APP is '(4) to open the PATH in Emacs, or 'system to use a system 
> application."
> +  (let* ((fields (split-string path "::"))      
> +      (option (when (cdr fields)
> +                (mapconcat 'identity (cdr fields) ""))))

(and (cdr field)
     (mapconcat #'identity (cdr fields) ""))
> +    (apply #'org-open-file
> +        (car fields)
> +        app
> +        (cond ((not option) nil)
> +              ((org-string-match-p "\\`[0-9]+\\'" option)

org-string-match-p -> string-match-p


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