On 2016-06-30 14:42, Sharon Kimble <boudic...@skimble.plus.com> writes:

> I'm trying to get a 'list of figures' in an org-mode export to latex,
> but I'm finding difficulties in inserting graphics in org-mode. My
> graphic insert code is -
> #+CAPTION: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube
> #+ATTR_LaTeX: scale=0.2
> [[./images/percutaneous-endoscopic-gas.jpg]]
> The caption works, the graphics inserts works, but how do I scale it please?
> I've googled it and tried various solutions, but none are working, so
> how do I do it please?

Have you tried:
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :scale 0.2

I know it works with :width, so it may work with scale as well.



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