Another option can be using a webservice such as trello and an emacs
package to access data on it. There is an org-trello package that is worth

2016-06-22 9:26 GMT-03:00 Roland Everaert <>:

> org-attach was the feature I needed.
> Thank you.
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Eric Abrahamsen <>
> wrote:
>> Roland Everaert <> writes:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I am working as a sysadmin, In the organization, we use 2 tools to
>> > keep track of requests sent by the customers/users. As you can expect,
>> > those tools are not meant to be used to track all the gritty details
>> > of a sysadmin's job.
>> >
>> > So I am turning to org-mode (that I used for years) and its community
>> > to find a way to organize my job and being able to track what I have
>> > done and store the hundreds of lines of output from a command-line.
>> >
>> > I was wondering if it was possible to create directories and files
>> > with org-capture, based on data given interactively by the user.
>> You can use org-attach in conjunction with org-capture, to create a
>> directory connected to an Org heading.
>> > My intention would be to work this way:
>> >
>> > 1. Create a directory for a request or a group of tasks or a project,
>> > in short, an aspect of my job.
>> > 2. Create a file that will contain the information related to the
>> > request in addition to a journal allowing me to keep track of what I
>> > have done and store all the data that are useful to me.
>> I'd say you don't need a separate file for this, simply the subtree of
>> the heading you're using to track this job.
>> > 3. Store anything that is related to that request or aspect of my job
>> > into the related directory.
>> That's org-attach again.
>> > 4. Being able to search for a particular aspect or getting a list of
>> > them and access it.
>> I actually don't think there's any built-in way of searching files in an
>> org-attach directory.
>> > 5. When the job is done for an aspect, archive the directory.
>> I think that would happen automatically with org-attach.
>> > So far, I was using the configuration of norang, but I don't thing it
>> > is really adapted to my work-flow anymore.
>> >
>> > I know that org-mode is capable of a lot of things, but I was
>> > wondering if this is not a little bit to broad for org-mode to be an
>> > efficient tool. I was even thinking that all of this should be done
>> > through a server, with emacs being the interface to communicate with
>> > it.
>> Beats me!

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