I am trying to get ox-koma-letter.el working in my Emacs (25.0.95). I have been following the instructions at http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/koma-letter-export.html and I am testing with the "A simple letter example" (http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/worg.git/plain/exporters/koma-letter-new-example.org).
My org and my ox-koma-letter.el are from the Org Elpa org-plus-contrib package (version 20160620) and are located in ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20160620/. I get an error message when I try to export the example letter using `C-c C-e k p'. The message is org-export-as: Wrong number of arguments: #[(templates) "ebÆ^XÇÈÆÉ# \\^@Ê ^YË !Ì=X^@Í \"^[ÎÏ \"^\ ÎÐ \"E^]<^@ÑÒÎÓ \"\"W^@W^@^MB^PÎÔ \"bÕÆx`|c)+)^F^@*" [record object templates value begin signature nil re-search-forward "{{{[-A-Za-z0-9_]" t ...] 6 ("/data/projects/vc/emacs/emacs-25.0.95/lisp/org/org-macro.elc" . 3784)], 3 I can't read this error message due to all the escaped characters, but I do see a mention of an incorrect file. The org-macro.elc file mentioned in the error message is the one built in to Emacs and it should be hidden. I have normal-looking load path shadows, with the the elpa version hiding the version built in to Emacs (e.g. list-load-path-shadows shows for example that ~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20160620/org-macro hides /data/projects/vc/emacs/emacs-25.0.95/lisp/org/org-macro). I would welcome any help with getting this working. Thanks, N.