On 2016-05-19 at 15:21, William Henney <when...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think Elpy works fine with conda environments - you just have to
> call pyvenv-activate with the desired path.

Yes, I have discovered that since I sent my email.

> You have inspired me to try and automate this for org source blocks
> (see org snippets below). It is a bit clunky, but I got it to work.
> Let me know what you think, and any stylistic corrections are welcome
> (my lisp skills are sadly lacking).

Better than my lisp. It looks good, but I like to keep my virtual envs in the 
folder where the work happens. That is, I create them with =conda env create -y 
-p ./pyenv=. I think this means your code below will fail because it is looking 
for an =/envs/= folder. However, my method allows all virtual environments to 
always have the same name, which could make the code (and testing for the 
existence of that folder) easier.

> + One thing we have to remember is to install the elpy python package
> and dependencies in each virtual environment. For instance:

This can also be handled by =~./condarc= and the default packages installed 
whenever a virtual environment is created.


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