Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> On 2016-04-27, at 19:36, Sharon Kimble <> wrote:
>> How can I have a rule that will capitalise the first word of a new
>> sentence, with the previous sentence concluding with a full stop and
>> then one space please? This would be extremely useful for me as I tend
>> to forget to capitalise the first word, but how can it be done please?
> Would this help?

Thanks Marcin, this *did* work, on first start of emacs it worked
everywhere, but on a subsequent start of emacs it started complaining
about the 'emacs.desktop' files and played merry hell with them! So I
then set it up to just work in org-mode, and again it did work on first
start. But when I tried a second start it started playing hell with my
emacs.desktop files again. So I've disabled it from working until I can
find a work-around.

A taste of linux =
TGmeds =
Debian 8.4, fluxbox 1.3.7, emacs 25.0.93

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