Hi, any thoughts about this?
Best regards Robert Author: Robert Klein <rokl...@roklein.de> 2016-03-14 14:43:46 Committer: Robert Klein <rokl...@roklein.de> 2016-03-14 14:43:46 Parent: dd9be3a6ea4ff561248b1f6658194fd153b5821c (Fix docstring typo) Branch: maint Follows: release_8.3.4 Precedes: support more programming languages in CSS The standard CSS for HTML export only supported a couple of programming languages to have a language name "hover" on src blocks. This patch adds all languages supported per Org manual, those from org.el's org-babel-load-languages-alist, additional language identifiers in ob-*.el and languages which have a) an emacs mode and b) are supported by the LaTeX listings package. Additional a language "conf" is supported for generic configuraiton files; an emacs mode exists for this, but for LaTeX listings a language " " has to be faked. As this patch is for HTML, this is no impediment. Thanks for reporting the missing support to Tianxian XIONG. ------------------------------- lisp/ox-html.el ------------------------------- index de2e5d9..e4a4c38 100644 @@ -314,13 +314,96 @@ for the JavaScript code in this tag. border: 1px solid black; } pre.src:hover:before { display: inline;} - pre.src-sh:before { content: 'sh'; } - pre.src-bash:before { content: 'sh'; } + /* Languages per Org manual */ + pre.src-asymptote:before { content: 'Asymptote'; } + pre.src-awk:before { content: 'Awk'; } + pre.src-C:before { content: 'C'; } + /* pre.src-C++ doesn't work in CSS */ + pre.src-clojure:before { content: 'Clojure'; } + pre.src-css:before { content: 'CSS'; } + pre.src-D:before { content: 'D'; } + pre.src-ditaa:before { content: 'ditaa'; } + pre.src-dot:before { content: 'Graphviz'; } + pre.src-calc:before { content: 'Emacs Calc'; } pre.src-emacs-lisp:before { content: 'Emacs Lisp'; } - pre.src-R:before { content: 'R'; } - pre.src-perl:before { content: 'Perl'; } - pre.src-java:before { content: 'Java'; } - pre.src-sql:before { content: 'SQL'; } + pre.src-fortran:before { content: 'Fortran'; } + pre.src-gnuplot:before { content: 'gnuplot'; } + pre.src-haskell:before { content: 'Haskell'; } + pre.src-java:before { content: 'Java'; } + pre.src-js:before { content: 'Javascript'; } + pre.src-latex:before { content: 'LaTeX'; } + pre.src-ledger:before { content: 'Ledger'; } + pre.src-lisp:before { content: 'Lisp'; } + pre.src-lilypond:before { content: 'Lilypond'; } + pre.src-matlab:before { content: 'MATLAB'; } + pre.src-mscgen:before { content: 'Mscgen'; } + pre.src-ocaml:before { content: 'Objective Caml'; } + pre.src-octave:before { content: 'Octave'; } + pre.src-org:before { content: 'Org mode'; } + pre.src-oz:before { content: 'OZ'; } + pre.src-plantuml:before { content: 'Plantuml'; } + pre.src-processing:before { content: 'Processing.js'; } + pre.src-python:before { content: 'Python'; } + pre.src-R:before { content: 'R'; } + pre.src-ruby:before { content: 'Ruby'; } + pre.src-sass:before { content: 'Sass'; } + pre.src-scheme:before { content: 'Scheme'; } + pre.src-screen:before { content: 'Gnu Screen'; } + pre.src-sed:before { content: 'Sed'; } + pre.src-sh:before { content: 'shell'; } + pre.src-sql:before { content: 'SQL'; } + pre.src-sqlite:before { content: 'SQLite'; } + /* additional languages in org.el's org-babel-load-languages alist */ + pre.src-forth:before { content: 'Forth'; } + pre.src-io:before { content: 'IO'; } + pre.src-J:before { content: 'J'; } + pre.src-makefile:before { content: 'Makefile'; } + pre.src-maxima:before { content: 'Maxima'; } + pre.src-perl:before { content: 'Perl'; } + pre.src-picolisp:before { content: 'Pico Lisp'; } + pre.src-scala:before { content: 'Scala'; } + pre.src-shell:before { content: 'Shell Script'; } + pre.src-ebnf2ps:before { content: 'ebfn2ps'; } + /* additional language identifiers per \"defun org-babel-execute\" + in ob-*.el */ + pre.src-cpp:before { content: 'C++'; } + pre.src-abc:before { content: 'ABC'; } + pre.src-coq:before { content: 'Coq'; } + pre.src-groovy:before { content: 'Groovy'; } + /* additional language identifiers from org-babel-shell-names in + ob-shell.el: ob-shell is the only babel language using a lambda to put + the execution function name together. */ + pre.src-bash:before { content: 'bash'; } + pre.src-csh:before { content: 'csh'; } + pre.src-ash:before { content: 'ash'; } + pre.src-dash:before { content: 'dash'; } + pre.src-ksh:before { content: 'ksh'; } + pre.src-mksh:before { content: 'mksh'; } + pre.src-posh:before { content: 'posh'; } + /* Additional Emacs modes also supported by the LaTeX listings package */ + pre.src-ada:before { content: 'Ada'; } + pre.src-asm:before { content: 'Assembler'; } + pre.src-caml:before { content: 'Caml'; } + pre.src-delphi:before { content: 'Delphi'; } + pre.src-html:before { content: 'HTML'; } + pre.src-idl:before { content: 'IDL'; } + pre.src-mercury:before { content: 'Mercury'; } + pre.src-metapost:before { content: 'MetaPost'; } + pre.src-modula-2:before { content: 'Modula-2'; } + pre.src-pascal:before { content: 'Pascal'; } + pre.src-ps:before { content: 'PostScript'; } + pre.src-prolog:before { content: 'Prolog'; } + pre.src-simula:before { content: 'Simula'; } + pre.src-tcl:before { content: 'tcl'; } + pre.src-tex:before { content: 'TeX'; } + pre.src-plain-tex:before { content: 'Plain TeX'; } + pre.src-verilog:before { content: 'Verilog'; } + pre.src-vhdl:before { content: 'VHDL'; } + pre.src-xml:before { content: 'XML'; } + pre.src-nxml:before { content: 'XML'; } + /* add a generic configuration mode; LaTeX export needs an additional + (add-to-list 'org-latex-listings-langs '(conf \" \")) in .emacs */ + pre.src-conf:before { content: 'Configuration File'; } table { border-collapse:collapse; } caption.t-above { caption-side: top; }