Hey Aaron, thanks for the input.

I don't think that solves my problem. I think I found a solution, but
it involves multiple formulas for the same column.
See here https://gist.github.com/ebellani/d271093faaa943674df6
Does anyone have a better idea for doing something like that? I had to
modify both 'org-table-get-stored-formulas' and
'org-table-fedit-finish' so they stop complaining about multiple
declarations for a single column.


On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Eduardo,
> 2016ko otsailak 4an, Eduardo Bellani-ek idatzi zuen:
>> Hey guys. I've posted this question in the irc-channel, but I had to
>> leave before I could strike a conversation with the the nice volunteer
>> who answered my question. I hope that email can preserve the
>> conversation :)
>> So, I have a table who's purpose is to demonstrate the working of different
>> versions of the same code, perhaps in different languages. This is a
>> working model:
>> https://gist.github.com/ebellani/7c70d16f06076e4fc375
>> as you can see, there's repetition and the TBLFM is huge.
>> Anyone has an idea of a better way to achieve similar results?
> Use babel:
> #+name: my-input
> | el | value      | expected |
> |----+------------+----------|
> | 5  | '(5 5 5 5) | 4        |
> | ...etc...                  |
> #+begin_src elisp :var input=my-input :results table
> ;; Code that does the calculations in your tblfm line
> ;; `input' is a variable holding your input table
> #+end_src
> --
> Aaron Ecay

Eduardo Bellani

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