> Hi Tom,
> I am hesitant to apply this relatively complex patch which
> I have not had the time to study closely enough.
> I am wondering:  Instead of setting a TODO keyword,
> would it not be simpler and equally effective to set a
> special tag when an entry is blocked?

That is a much better solution.  I have coded that and tested it against
an example file, and it works.

I've attached a patch.  One note: I used diff flag -b to ignore whitespace
because most of the change is that the big `catch' statement isn't
directly returned but assigned to proceed-p.  So most of it got indented
further but no change other than whitespace.  I can diff it without -b if
you prefer.

> You could use a bright font to mark this tag, in order to
> make it obvious.  And you could use a custom query to look
> for blocked items, to see what can be done about them....

Tom Breton (Tehom)


* Header
** TODO Blocking item
** Item that gets blocked
   :BLOCKER:  previous-sibling

[begin patch]
*** old-org-depend.el   2009-01-04 03:01:50.000000000 -0500
--- ord-depend.el       2009-01-14 21:15:47.000000000 -0500
*** 112,117 ****
--- 112,121 ----

  (require 'org)
+ (defcustom org-tag-blocked-depends t
+   "Whether to indicate blocked TODO items by a special tag."
+   :group 'org
+   :type 'bool)

  (defun org-depend-trigger-todo (change-plist)
    "Trigger new TODO entries after the current is switched to DONE.
*** 191,197 ****
         (from (plist-get change-plist :from))
         (to (plist-get change-plist :to))
         (org-log-done nil) ; IMPROTANT!: no logging during automatic trigger
!        blocker blockers bl p1)
      (catch 'return
        (unless (eq type 'todo-state-change)
        ;; We are not handling this kind of change
--- 195,202 ----
         (from (plist-get change-plist :from))
         (to (plist-get change-plist :to))
         (org-log-done nil) ; IMPROTANT!: no logging during automatic trigger
!        blocker blockers bl p1
!          (proceed-p
              (catch 'return
                 (unless (eq type 'todo-state-change)
                    ;; We are not handling this kind of change
*** 234,239 ****
--- 239,251 ----
                                (throw 'return nil))))))
                 t     ; return t to indicate that we are not blocking
+      (when org-tag-blocked-depends
+       (org-toggle-tag "blocked"
+          (if proceed-p 'off 'on)))
+      proceed-p))

  (add-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'org-depend-trigger-todo)
  (add-hook 'org-blocker-hook 'org-depend-block-todo)

[end patch]

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