Hi Nicolas Commit release_8.3.3-547-g00f0c70 does not respect the stars of ITEM any more for the dynamic column width of the interactive column view with overlays. The fix of org-columns-get-autowidth-alist for the two "(setq-local org-columns-current-maxwidths [...]" seems too complicated to do it myself.
The MCE ------------------------------ * Column view *** Subsection ***** Subsubsection * File config :ARCHIVE: #+COLUMNS: %ITEM #+STARTUP: odd showall ------------------------------ changes the looking from ------------------------------ ITEM | * Column view | *** Subsection | ***** Subsubsection | * File config :ARCHIVE:... ------------------------------ to ------------------------------ ITEM | * Column view | *** Subsect.. | ***** Subsu.. | * File config :ARCHIVE:... ------------------------------ Michael