On Sunday, 31 Jan 2016 at 08:42, cschr wrote:
> Hi
> I set up MobileOrg and it now shows the appointments from my emacs
> diary and my orgmode agenda. But nothing shows in my local android
> calendar, although I configured MobileOrg to sync with the android
> calendar. Is this functionality known to work, at all, and are there
> any special preconditions ?   I tried with two different smartphones
> – a Sony Xperia Pro with Android 4.0.4, and a Mobistel Cygnus with
> Android 4.4.2

It syncs with my calendar on cyanogenmod latest nightly snapshot on a
Nexus 4.  I've had no issues in this regard in a very long time.

I think what I am using is roughly equivalent to android 5.1?  Not
entirely sure however but definitely well past 4.x versions.  Whether
this is relevant or not is unclear!
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.3.3-497-gc74b99

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