Hi Kyle,

Kyle Meyer <k...@kyleam.com> writes:

> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
> [...]
>>> This patch automatically calls =git annex get PATH= when you open the
>>> attachment from Org, if the file has not been fetched already.
>> This is a good idea.  Though really this sounds like something that
>> should be done by the git annex assistant rather than per application.
> I think a good number of people use git-annex without git-annex
> assistant.  There was a question related to this on the git-annex
> survey:
> http://git-annex-survey.branchable.com/polls/2015/command_line_vs_assistant/

That’s a fair point.

>> Has Joey spoken for or against automatic fetching of content when
>> requested?
> I think I'm missing something.  Why would he have an issue with running
> "git annex get"?

I don't have anything against it, but in OP he also talks about
implementing something similar for ox-$BACKEND output...  Which doesn’t
seem like a bad request.  Why should org-attachment support git-annex
other parts of Org not?  But I don’t think we want to support annexed
files in general.  (What about LFS’ed files?  Assuming a similar feature

Perhaps I’m abstracting too much here.


Even a three-legged dog has three good legs to lose

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