Hi all, I've been using org-mode for some time to manage a course website, and I developed a hack for source blocking where if I use the +NAME tag for source doe like so:
#+NAME: helloworld.cpp #+BEGIN_SRC c++ -r #include <iostream> (ref:include) using namespace std; (ref:namespace) // Hello World in C++ int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ cout << "Hello World" << endl; (ref:speak) } #+END_SRC Then I could retrieve the name tag in the HTML source via the id when exported, like so: <pre class="src src-c++" id="helloworld.cpp"> I can then use the id tag and CSS to have it float next to the code like this: [image: Inline image 1] However, since I updated org-mode recently to version 8.3.2, the +NAME tagging is no longer user defined. Instead, it get's a generic, org defined name, such as orgsrcblock1. This means my little hack no longer works and I get something that looks like this in the HTML exporting: <pre class="src src-c++" id="orgsrcblock1"> I have two questions for the group: 1) Is there a way to overwrite the generic source block naming? Or turn off this feature somewhere? I can't seem to figure that out for myself. 2) Is there another hack that someone can suggest? For example, is there a way to have a user defined <div> tag around the src code that will get exported? Thanks! adam -- Adam J. Aviv, PhD *Asst. Professor* *Computer Science* *U.S. Naval Academy* *(410) 293- 6655*